Browsing Category


November 18th, 2017: Music of the People

This first concert features works from 20th and 21st century British composers such as Holst, Parry, and Stanford, mixed with music by contemporary living female composers such as Toronto locals: Laura Sgroi and Stephanie Martin. The theme of the…

Concert Testimonial

We love receiving testimonials of our concerts. Thank you to Farhad Nargol-O’Neill! It was with the expectation of excellence and diversity that I came to The Church of the Redeemer last week to hear the Cantabile Chamber Singers perform…

Choral Collage

Choral Collage Friday March 31st 8:00 PM Church of the Redeemer 162 Bloor St W. Toronto – at the corner of University Avenue and Bloor Street Wheelchair Accessible Join us on March 31st, at 8:00 pm, Church of the…