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toronto music

Celebrating Human Diversity – March 1st 2025


Join us on March 1st – at 7:30 pm, Church of the Redeemer for an evening of multilingual works that celebrates our diverse cultures. We are featuring a program of all living composers, from North America, the UK, and Asia.  Some of our Canadian local composers (Joshua Tamayo, and Aiko Tomi) will be present that evening to speak about their music, and you will be able to meet them. There will also be a guest cellist from the Glenn Gould School of music performing alongside. A baking sale will occur at the end of the concert, to support the choir. Baked goods are always pre-packaged and ready to go.

This concert also has an outreach component, where we will be supporting the Common Table, which is a program run out of the Church of the Redeemer to help those in need. We will also be accepting donations such as:

  • T-shirts: MENS- M, L, XL
  • Hoodies: MENS – L, XL
  • WINTER BOOTS: Sizes 8-14
  • WOMENS: new underwear: M, L, XL
  • MENS: new underwear: M, L, XL
  • Toiletries: Toothbrushes

We hope you will join us on Saturday March 1st, at 7:30pm for a wonderful evening of choral music. As always, kids 12 and under are free. See you at the Church of the Redeemer, at the corner of Avenue Road and Bloor.

  • Parking is available on Cumberland, Yorkville, and Bedford.
  • TTC stations: Bay, or Museum.
  • Accessible Ramp is located on the WEST side of the church.



Our 2023-2024 season: THE JOURNEY OF LIGHT consists of three concerts, each dealing with the idea of light in our lives.   The first concert is on November 11th, 7:30 pm at Church of the Redeemer. Please make sure…

New Season, Save the DATES!

Happy End of August!   The journey of Light   We are looking forward to another full season of in-person singing at the Church of the Redeemer this year. Cheryll has heard some lovely new voices to add to…

CCS Concert Season in Toronto

Concert 1 – In Paradisum  –November 9th 7:30 pm, St Patrick’s Catholic Church, 131 McCaul St  This is a joint concert with St. Patrick’s Catholic Church and the Candlelight Liturgy Singers featuring the Requiem by Gabriel Fauré, which was dedicated to his father, who died in 1885, and…

Season update 2019-2020

Happy Summer! We are excited to announce that we are accepting new singers for next season. If you and your friend is a tenor, bass or a soprano, who loves to excel and sing challenging music in an intimate…

Thank you for supporting our first show!

Thank you so much for coming out in the rain on Saturday to support our first show of the season! It was so great to see a full audience in attendance! We hope you enjoyed the music, singalong, and…