The first concerts of our 2014/2015 season are quickly approaching! Please mark Friday November 7th at 8:00 pm and Saturday November 8th at 7:30 pm in your day-planners or google calendars now.
I want to take a moment to comment on how lovely and lush our ensemble is sounding. The singers are ready to go and eager to perform!
This opening concert “Juxtapositions” will feature the sublime Missa Papae Marcelli by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina along with 3 world premieres by our remarkably talented composer in residence Laura Silberberg, a world premiere of the WWI motets by UK based Graham Keitch, and also a Canadian premiere by Vancouver based composer Jordan Nobles known for his spatially driven music. Along with these premieres, we will be singing some fabulous music by young American composer/conductor Jake Runestad and an Icelandic Hymn.
This season we will offer a special Arts Workers pricing! Please show some proof of ID that you are indeed an Arts Worker to get this deal. We want to always support each other as artists in the community. Grab your tickets online or from one of our fabulous singers.
Our November 8th concert will be a PWYC show, which will feature a shorter program, but a special surprise event that we will tell you about closer to the date of the show. There will be no intermission for this show.
Have a fabulous week, and I hope to see you real soon.